
CNBC: Bullish On Books

Boomerang is cited on CNBC`s "Best Books For The Holidays 2011":

“Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World”
By Michael Lewis
224 pages
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Co.
List: $25.95
A must read for anyone who wants to know more about what caused the global financial meltdown and how we are all affected by what happens “over there.” Written by the acclaimed author of "Moneyball," "The Big Short," "The Blind Side," and the iconic "Liar's Poker," this book is based on articles Michael Lewis wrote for Vanity Fair covering "financial disaster tourism, traveling to Iceland, Ireland, Greece, and beyond." Brilliantly written, and at times sadly hilarious knowing what we know now about just how little we knew about our money and those people we trusted.